Savour the Season

A Nutritionist's Guide to Feeling Your Best During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and connection, but it often comes with its fair share of chaos, overwhelming schedules, and an over-abundance of delicious food that can throw our well-being off balance. Today’s blog post explores practical tips and mindful practices to help you navigate the holiday season with grace, maintain a healthy relationship with food, optimize digestion, balance blood sugar, and prioritize self-care.


Eat mindfully: Whether we like it or not, the holiday season is synonymous with delicious feasts and treats, and it's easy to get carried away. However, practicing mindful eating can help you savour the flavors and truly enjoy your favourite holiday recipes. Start by cultivating awareness of the present moment, savouring each bite without rushing. Pay attention to the textures, flavours, and aromas of your food. Chew slowly, appreciating the taste and allowing your body to signal when it's satisfied. Tune into your hunger and fullness cues, recognizing when you're genuinely hungry or simply eating out of habit. Mindful eating also involves acknowledging the source of your food, appreciating the effort and resources that went into producing your meal. By fostering this mindful approach, you not only enhance your connection with the food but also promote a healthier relationship with eating.


Consume nourishing foods: Amidst the holiday feasts, the importance of choosing nourishing foods is so important for blood sugar management. Begin your day with a balanced breakfast to set a positive tone. Include a mix of whole grains, protein, and fruits or vegetables. This not only provides essential nutrients to fuel your body but can also help regulate your appetite throughout the day so you can truly enjoy a festive meal without feeling ravenous. While the occasional indulgence is part of the holiday fun, incorporating these nourishing choices can act as a stabilizing force, preventing the rollercoaster of sugar highs and crashes. It's all about finding that sweet spot between enjoying festive delights and keeping your blood sugar in check, ensuring you can enjoy the season without energy slumps and digestion discomfort.


Move Your Body: Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, moving our bodies is often neglected. But finding micro movement throughout the day is an incredible tool for both physical and mental well-being. A winter walk, a gentle yoga session, or even a simple stretching routine can act as a reset button for the mind and body, allowing you to navigate the seasonal chaos with greater focus and resilience. Plus, movement is incredible for supporting optimal digestion, which let’s be honest, we all need a little more support with after a holiday feast. Regular movement supports digestion by stimulating the muscles of the digestive tract, promoting the efficient breakdown of food and helping in the smooth passage of nutrients through the digestive system. Incorporating movement into your holiday routine can also offer a unique opportunity to establish new traditions with your family (like a twilight skate or winter hike!) or carve out precious one-on-one time with yourself. Whether it's a morning stroll to embrace the winter scenery or an evening yoga practice by the glow of festive lights, these moments of movement not only contribute to your overall well-being but also weave a thread of mindfulness and self-care into the fabric of your holiday celebrations.


Manage stress: Stress can impact everything from your mood, your digestion to your immune system, so finding ways to unwind is key. Whether it's through meditation, a leisurely walk, or a cozy evening curled up with a good book, taking intentional breaks helps restore balance and ensures you can truly enjoy the magic of the season. Try incorporating stress relieving yoga poses like Child's Pose, Downward Dog, and Cat-Cow into your routine, coupled with deep-breathing exercises such as diaphragmatic breathing or the 4-7-8 technique. 


Set Boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries is crucial, particularly when it comes to your choices regarding food, alcohol, movement and interactions with family members during the holiday season. Try to communicate your well-being goals with loved ones, fostering a supportive environment that respects and aligns with your personal boundaries. Whether it's expressing your decision to explore sobriety, enjoying an extra holiday cookie, or opting to spend the holidays independently, communicating your needs to those around you ensures that you can embrace the season in a way that brings you joy and contentment.

Remember, nourishing yourself extends beyond the confines of what's on your plate; it's about embracing the joy that food brings into your life. It's common, especially during the holidays, for people to get caught up in a cycle of either depriving themselves of the simple pleasure of enjoying delicious food or overindulging until January 1st, only to then plunge into the cycle of deprivation and diets to "make up" for the holidays. While it’s easier said than done, striking a balance between enjoying the holidays while also prioritizing your well-being (both physical and mental), is hard work. But by incorporating mindful eating, yoga, self-care, and navigating social pressures with compassion, you can transform the holiday season into a time of joy and connection rather than stress and guilt.

Wishing you a joyful and balanced holiday season and a healthy start to the new year!


[nourish]: a three week yoga + nutrition series

We are offering a nutrition and yoga journey this winter to gently nurture your nervous system, bringing you a deep sense of tranquility and rejuvenation, making it the perfect sanctuary rebalancing your nervous system. As part of our [nourish] series, you’ll enjoy a 90 minute yoga class every week, and receive thoughtfully curated meal plans and weekly wellness practices to incorporate into your daily life.


>January 6, 13, 20 at 3:00 pm  
> January 9, 16, 24 at noon
>February 24 + March 2, 9 at noon  


Embracing the Chill
