Finding the Right Therapist: Questions to Ask

Seeking therapy is a significant step toward better mental and emotional health. Finding the right therapist can be a crucial part of this journey. It's essential to choose a therapist who aligns with your needs, values, and goals.

To help you make an informed decision, here are some important questions to ask when looking for a therapist:

  1. What is your personal and professional philosophy? Understanding your therapist's beliefs, values, and approach to their work will help you determine if you're a good fit.

  2. What is your specialization or area of expertise? Therapists often have specific areas they specialize in, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, relationships, or addiction. Ask about their expertise and whether it aligns with your concerns.

  3. What is your fee structure and do you accept insurance? Discuss their fees, payment options, and whether they accept insurance. It's crucial to know the financial aspects of therapy to ensure it's affordable for you.

  4. What is your availability and scheduling process? Determine their availability and how they handle scheduling, including emergency appointments. Ensure their hours and location fit your needs.

  5. What is the expected duration of therapy? Therapy can vary in length, from short-term solutions-focused counseling to long-term, in-depth psychotherapy. Understanding the expected duration will help you set realistic expectations.

  6. How do you measure progress and success? Ask about their approach to tracking your progress and defining therapeutic success. This will help you understand their goals for your treatment.

  7. How do you approach clients who have different lived experiences from you (eg. across culture, race, gender, sexuality)? For some people it’s important that the therapist has a similar shared lived experience, and  for others it’s important to know their lived experience, if not shared, is welcome and safe.

  8. What is your therapeutic approach or orientation? Understanding a therapist's approach will give you insight into their methods and techniques. Common approaches include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic, dialectical-behavioral Therapy (DBT), and more. Some of these approaches are more structured than others; consider whether structured or semi-structured would suit you. Ask your therapist if they give homework in between sessions, or things to practice at home.

Remember that finding the right therapist is a personal journey. It may take some time and several initial sessions to determine if a particular therapist is the right fit for you. Trust your instincts and don't hesitate to ask these questions to ensure you're making an informed decision about your mental and emotional well-being. The right therapist can make a significant difference in your life and help you on your path to healing and personal growth.

Our emotional wellbeing team have 15 min complimentary discovery sessions to because the relationship we have with our therapist matters. We can discuss your questions + goal and you can decide if we are your "cup of tea."




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