Rhythmic + Firm + Instinctive

Touch is the first sense we have that lets us know we’re not alone. Touch is “the first to develop in the embryo and the first to offer an experience of human connection” (*Dana, 2019). Alex Timoteo (she/her) approaches massage therapy as a way to provide safe touch in a professional healthcare environment. Through safe touch and therapeutic rapport, massage therapy has the ability to support people in accessing their parasympathetic nervous system state – i.e. the “rest and digest” state, the one that allows you to sleep better, digest well, dial down pain and overall feel more calm and grounded. If you’ve ever left a massage feeling like you were blissfully floating on a cloud, you already know how powerful of an effect massage can have on your nervous system and your overall wellbeing. By working collaboratively together, Alex’s goal is for you to leave treatments feeling more at home in your body, with a renewed sense of empowerment in your own healing.

Alex graduated from Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy in 2022. For ten years prior, Alex worked in community-based services supporting people living with trauma and mental health across various intersections of marginalization. Through her work as a feminist counsellor and advocate at a shelter for survivors of interpersonal violence/abuse, she saw what a tremendous positive impact bodywork can have on ones’ physical and mental health. She realized she needed to learn about the body, and how to treat the body, so she could treat the person as a whole. Alex holds an Honours Bachelor degree in Psychology and a diploma from the Assaulted Women’s and Children’s Counsellor and Advocate program. Alex weaves together her experience in mental health and counselling with her knowledge and skills in hands-on treatment of soft tissues and joints in order to create a massage therapy treatment that is holistic and effective. She strives to create an inclusive, trauma-informed, body-neutral and trans-inclusive environment, as all bodies deserve dignified care.

*Dana, D. (2019, April). The Touch Taboo Are We Missing a Vital Source of Healing? Psychotherapy Networker. 


Alex Timoteo is a settler of Portuguese and Swiss ancestry living on the traditional territory of many nations including the Anishnabeg, the Haudenosaunee, the Chippewa, and the Wendat peoples. She is thankful to have the opportunity to work in community on this land.